GALA Board Games 旮旯桌遊
金字塔撲克 英文 Pyramid Poker (English Version)
金字塔撲克 英文 Pyramid Poker (English Version)
金字塔撲克 Pyramid Poker 是一款輕鬆同時需要策略的二人遊戲,由54個木製矩形塊組成,其中52個帶有標準紙牌分佈(四套套裝中為2-A),其中兩個有特別用途的法老王。 要設置遊戲,將所有木塊面朝下放置並隨機播放。 然後,每個玩家佔用15個方塊。 他們輪流注將木塊放入二維金字塔形結構中,一直至全部放完,然後輪流從金字塔中移出任何一個木塊並將其放入各自三手撲克中。 每手撲克都與對手的另一手競爭。
- 撲克變化玩法
- 重玩性高
- 運氣與戰略並重
遊戲人數:2 | 建議年齡:12+ | 遊戲時間:10-30 分鐘
遊戲設計:Aaron Weissblum, Norman Woods
美術設計:Hal Mangold, Jennifer Vargas
Pyramid Poker is a two-player design that consists of 54 wooden rectangular blocks, 52 of them with the standard card deck distribution (2-A in four suits) on one side and two of them with a pharaoh on one side.
To set up the game, place all of the blocks face down and shuffle them. Each player then takes fifteen blocks. They take turns looking at one of their blocks and placing them into a two-dimensional pyramid-shaped structure, again seeing only their blocks, then they take turns removing any one block from the pyramid and placing it into one of three poker hands that they're constructing. Each poker hand is competing against the one opposite it that's being built by the opponent.
If a player draws a pharaoh, they draw three face-down blocks that weren't initially chosen, discard two of them, then add the third block to one of their poker hands.
Once all the blocks have been removed, the player who wins two or three of the poker hands wins!