GALA Board Games 旮旯桌遊
巴黎 – 美好年代 中英文版 Paris (Bilingual Version)
巴黎 – 美好年代 中英文版 Paris (Bilingual Version)
《巴黎 – 美好年代》是一款中策歐式遊戲,結合經濟模型、區域控制、建築板塊放置 ,以輕巧的玩家回合,串聯精緻起分數沙拉機制,讓玩家更能在長程規劃的體驗上享受遊戲。
Paris is a typical medium-weight Kramer and Kiesling Eurostyle-game with straightforward gameplay, short player turns, and an ingenious point salad mechanism. You mainly score points by obtaining the right buildings and collecting the right bonus cards.
Explore Paris in the 19th century. Discover its renowned architecture and obtain the most eminent buildings in the right districts to achieve victory.
InParis , you take on the role of wealthy real estate investors in the Paris of the 1900s. Paris is at the height of its transformation into one of the most beautiful cities in the world. After having successfully organized the World Fair in 1889, topped by the construction of the Eiffel Tower and celebrating the centennial of the Storming of the Bastille, Paris goes through a period known as “la Belle Époque”. The architecture of Paris created during this period ranged from the Beaux-Arts, neo-Byzantine, and neo-Gothic to Art Nouveau and Art Deco. It is your task to purchase some of these magnificent Parisian buildings in order to make a profit and invest in the development and upkeep of some of Paris’ most iconic buildings and landmarks.
2-4 players|age 12+|90 minutes
2020年4月在 KickStarter 平台募資超過一百萬港幣!
《花磚物語 AZUL 》系列設計師 Michael Kiesling 再一巨作。遊戲主題從「葡萄牙」飛到「法國巴黎」,不僅配件豐富又應景,遊戲機制也精緻巧妙,玩家可以在各個環節盡情揮灑智慧。Michael Kiesling 和德國首位全職桌遊設計師 Wolfgang Kramer,屢創佳績的設計師搭檔再度聯手!
※Michael Kiesling 與 Wolfgang Kramer共同作品的獎項紀錄:
Paris is a typical medium-weight Kramer and Kiesling Eurostyle-game with straightforward gameplay, short player turns, and an ingenious point salad mechanism. You mainly score points by obtaining the right buildings and collecting the right bonus cards.
Explore Paris in the 19th century. Discover its renowned architecture and obtain the most eminent buildings in the right districts to achieve victory.
InParis , you take on the role of wealthy real estate investors in the Paris of the 1900s. Paris is at the height of its transformation into one of the most beautiful cities in the world. After having successfully organized the World Fair in 1889, topped by the construction of the Eiffel Tower and celebrating the centennial of the Storming of the Bastille, Paris goes through a period known as “la Belle Époque”. The architecture of Paris created during this period ranged from the Beaux-Arts, neo-Byzantine, and neo-Gothic to Art Nouveau and Art Deco. It is your task to purchase some of these magnificent Parisian buildings in order to make a profit and invest in the development and upkeep of some of Paris’ most iconic buildings and landmarks.
2-4 players|age 12+|90 minutes
《巴黎 – 美好年代》重回巴黎最受追捧的「美好年代」(法語:Belle Époque)!1889年,法國巴黎舉辦為期150天的世界博覽會,艾菲爾鐵塔成為當代最閃耀的建築代表。
2020年4月在 KickStarter 平台募資超過一百萬港幣!
世界最大桌遊論壇Board Game Geek評分7.1
《花磚物語 AZUL 》系列設計師 Michael Kiesling 再一巨作。遊戲主題從「葡萄牙」飛到「法國巴黎」,不僅配件豐富又應景,遊戲機制也精緻巧妙,玩家可以在各個環節盡情揮灑智慧。Michael Kiesling 和德國首位全職桌遊設計師 Wolfgang Kramer,屢創佳績的設計師搭檔再度聯手!※Michael Kiesling 與 Wolfgang Kramer共同作品的獎項紀錄:
- 《林口Linko! 》-2014 德國年度遊戲獎 (SDJ)
- 《卡拉拉皇宮The Palaces of Carrara》- 2013 德國年度兒童遊戲獎 (KDJ) 提名
- 《阿薩拉 (千塔之城) Asara》- 2011 德國年度遊戲獎 (SDJ) 提名
- 《糟了個糕!Verflixxt! 》- 2005德國年度遊戲獎 (SDJ) 提名 / 2006 美國遊戲雜誌獎最佳家庭遊戲提名
- 《印度大王Maharaja: The Game of Palace Building in India》- 2004德國年度遊戲獎 (SDJ) 提名
- 《塔Torres》- 2000德國年度遊戲獎 (SDJ) / 2000 德國遊戲獎 (DSP) 第2名
- 《提卡爾Tikal》- 1999德國年度遊戲獎 (SDJ) / 1999 德國遊戲獎 (DSP) 第1名
- 將自己的1支鑰匙放到銀行或凱旋門上。
- 移動1支自己的鑰匙到建築物或地標上,可執行收購動作。
- 查看並拿取1塊「遊戲結束板塊(建築物板塊抽光後才能執行)」。
- 鑰匙需先放到銀行上領取錢幣或是凱旋門上,才可移動到未被收購的建築物/地標上。
- 銀行上的鑰匙只能移動到同一區的建築物/地標上;凱旋門上的鑰匙則可以移動到任何區域。
- 在建築物上的鑰匙,只能在同區域裡往數值更大的建築物/地標移動。
- 當有一區的建築物/地標上放了第4支鑰匙,當前玩家立即選擇1塊分數板塊放到任一個沒有分數板塊的區域。
- 移動鑰匙收購建築/地標時,必須支付該建築的錢幣及資源成本,可以獲得建築/地標上的獎勵,以及該建築旁的資源或聲望。