GALA Board Games 旮旯桌遊
鍛骰物語 Dice Forge Bilingual Version
鍛骰物語 Dice Forge Bilingual Version
鍛骰物語 Dice Forge 中,英雄們必須在天之群島面對光榮考驗:在神殿獻祭,並精通魔法骰子。 諸神們在神界替你們留了一個位置,不過這裡只容得下一個人。唯有智勇雙全的人才能好好運用諸神所祝福過的骰子,獲得資源並迎向勝利! 遊戲中的每顆骰子都有獨特的構造,骰子的每一面都是可拆卸的。隨著遊戲的進展,你可以慢慢改造你的骰子,向諸神們獻上黃金來獲得更強大的骰面,而升級過的骰子能更有效率的取得你所需要的資源。巧妙的平衡各項要素,記住,只有最厲害的英雄能進入神界!
打造只屬於你的骰子,迎接挑戰吧! 2-4人|10歲或以上|40分鐘|內含中英文說明書 Dice Forge is a development game featuring innovative mechanics based on dice with removable faces. In this dice crafting game, players build their own dice. Roll your dice, manage your resources, complete ordeals before your opponents and explore multiple winning strategies.
Heroes, stand ready! The gods are offering a seat in heaven to whichever hero defeats their rivals. Your courage and wits will be your most precious allies as you use divine dice to gather resources along the road to victory.
Your divine dice are exceptional, with removable faces! Customize your dice to make them more powerful as the game progresses. Sacrifice gold to the gods to obtain enhanced die faces. Upgrade your dice to produce the resources you need. Overcome ordeals concocted by the gods to grow in glory and earn rewards. Skillfully manage the luck of the dice and take charge of your destiny. Only the greatest will ascend to the heavens!
Now you control the luck of the dice! 2-4 players|age 10+|40 minutes|Rules In English and Chinese
打造只屬於你的骰子,迎接挑戰吧! 2-4人|10歲或以上|40分鐘|內含中英文說明書 Dice Forge is a development game featuring innovative mechanics based on dice with removable faces. In this dice crafting game, players build their own dice. Roll your dice, manage your resources, complete ordeals before your opponents and explore multiple winning strategies.
Heroes, stand ready! The gods are offering a seat in heaven to whichever hero defeats their rivals. Your courage and wits will be your most precious allies as you use divine dice to gather resources along the road to victory.
Your divine dice are exceptional, with removable faces! Customize your dice to make them more powerful as the game progresses. Sacrifice gold to the gods to obtain enhanced die faces. Upgrade your dice to produce the resources you need. Overcome ordeals concocted by the gods to grow in glory and earn rewards. Skillfully manage the luck of the dice and take charge of your destiny. Only the greatest will ascend to the heavens!
Now you control the luck of the dice! 2-4 players|age 10+|40 minutes|Rules In English and Chinese