60 transparent cards will let your imagination run free and guess the puzzles (such as animals, items, professions...)
There are endless possibilities here!
Let your imagination run wild
Show your most imaginative side!
Game goals:
Use transparent cards to let other players guess the puzzle, and you can get points by guessing other players' puzzles to win the highest score.
Game preparation: 
- Place the game board in the center of the table
- Place all transparent cards around the game board
- Place the scoring marker on the table
- Shuffle the puzzle cards and fold them into roughly three equal stacks.
Game rules:
Start the game with the most creative players
During your turn, you have to ask other players to guess a puzzle. You must:
Draw the top puzzle card from any deck and read the famous category on the back aloud. Each puzzle card has five questions from that category on the front.
Secretly choose one of five questions
NOTE: Younger players are advised to choose questions with stars as they are easier. 
Place all the transparent cards you think you need on the game board and use any method possible to help other players guess your puzzle. You can scatter, move, side by side, and overlap the transparent cards, and use your creativity to make other players guess the puzzle successfully.
But you can't:
- speak or make any noise
- spell out words or numbers
- gesture
- Cut out the cards and eat them or use them otherwise you will lose the tools for your assistant to use your imagination in the future.
When the second transparent card is placed on the game board, other players can guess an unlimited number of times.
The first player to guess the puzzle and the player who asked the question also get 1 point: they can take a scoring marker and put it in front of them to invite multiple players to guess 1 point at the same time. This game has no time limit. However, if no player guesses correctly and everyone agrees to give up the question and end the round, no one will score.
NOTE: What's on the back of some puzzle cards? , did you try this without any prompt?
next round
Place used clear tiles back around the game board and revitalize used puzzle tiles. Then it’s the next player’s turn (clockwise () to proceed to the next puzzle
game over
In a three- to four-player game, the game ends when each player has raised a question twice. In a five- to eight-player game, the game ends after each player has raised a question once.
Advanced rules:
You can try to increase the difficulty of the game
Use the pure white side of the game board and shuffle all the puzzle cards to form a card. On your turn clock, randomly draw a puzzle card from the card pants. Choose one of the questions and tell other players the number of the question, but not yet. Tell the type of card back without letting other players see the card back. Then you can start placing transparent cards. When all players have not guessed correctly, they can ask you to tell the famous type of card back
This game can be played independently or mixed with the basic version of Stick Talk
English rules included.