Michael Kiesling

顯示所有 4 個結果

  • Out of stockParis Board Game

    巴黎 – 美好年代 中英文版 Paris (Bilingual Version)


    《巴黎 – 美好年代》是一款中策歐式遊戲,結合經濟模型、區域控制、建築板塊放置,以輕巧的玩家回合,串聯精緻起分數沙拉機制,讓玩家更能在長程規劃的體驗上享受遊戲。

    《巴黎 – 美好年代》重回巴黎最受追捧的「美好年代」(法語:Belle Époque)!



    Explore Paris in the 19th century. Discover its renowned architecture and obtain the most eminent buildings in the right districts to achieve victory.

    Paris is a typical medium-weight Kramer and Kiesling Eurostyle-game with straightforward gameplay, short player turns, and an ingenious point salad mechanism. You mainly score points by obtaining the right buildings and collecting the right bonus cards.

    In Paris, you take on the role of wealthy real estate investors in the Paris of the 1900s. Paris is at the height of its transformation into one of the most beautiful cities in the world. After having successfully organized the World Fair in 1889, topped by the construction of the Eiffel Tower and celebrating the centennial of the Storming of the Bastille, Paris goes through a period known as “la Belle Époque”. The architecture of Paris created during this period ranged from the Beaux-Arts, neo-Byzantine, and neo-Gothic to Art Nouveau and Art Deco. It is your task to purchase some of these magnificent Parisian buildings in order to make a profit and invest in the development and upkeep of some of Paris’ most iconic buildings and landmarks.

    2-4 players|age 12+|90 minutes

  • 花磚物語 AZUL





    Michael Kiesling

  • Out of stock

    花磚物語:夏日行宮 AZUL: Summer Pavilion

  • 花磚物語:琉璃之光 AZUL: Stained Glass of Sintra


    花磚物語:琉璃之光由Michael Kiesling設計,是花磚物語系列的第二個作品。



    挑戰玩家的技巧, 小心選擇玻璃板來完成他們窗戶,並且在過程中不要損壞或浪費庫存。 窗戶板是雙面的,提供玩家動態,幾乎無限變化的玩家圖板。 玩家可以預期在遊戲中發現新的獨特美術和配件, 包括半透明的玻璃板、一個容納廢棄玻璃的高塔和雙面玩家圖板與窗戶板,還有其他許多美麗的配件!
