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GALA Board Games 旮旯桌遊

豬朋狗友 - 犬營 Pick-a-Dog

豬朋狗友 - 犬營 Pick-a-Dog

定價 HK$99.00
定價 售價 HK$99.00
特價 售罄

豬朋狗友 - 犬營 Pick-a-Dog

當亨利農夫正在新建的龐大地窖內,細細品嚐美酒之際,農場裡的小豬、小狗們也趁機開派對盡慶一番!雖然他們很淘氣,但分組玩遊戲時很嚴格,堅信「物以類聚,豬以群分」的道理!你能神速地替小豬小狗招攬最精銳的團隊嗎?  這是個有關圖像識別的卡牌遊戲。遊戲卡牌上的豬隻皆擺出近似的姿態,只在5個項目上有所不同。玩家要在只可有一個項目範圍內的改變下,盡可能搶奪最多的卡牌。

可跟「豬朋狗友-豚營」 合併,增加難度和挑戰性!

「桌遊 x 教育」教材共享:遊戲玩法教學(ppt檔)
#觀察細節   #圖像辨認   #反應   #身手    獎項與殊榮:2013 Major Fun Award (USA)

8歲以上|1-5 位玩家|15分鐘

適用卡套:68 x 68 mm (96張)

"Board Game x Education" Sharing:Game Rules Teaching(ppt file) While Farmer Henry is enjoying his red wine in his newly-built colossal basement, the piggies in the barn are also partying for fun! Impish as they are, they’re really organized in forming groups for games - Pigs of a Belly Band Together! Recruit your team with careful selection, but not too slowly!

Combine it withPick-a-Pig for a more challenging game!

#AttentionToDetails     #PatternRecognition    #Reaction   #Dexterity

Awards & Honors: 2013 Major Fun Award (USA)