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栢龍玩具 Broadway Toys

活在當下 中英文版 Carpe Diem Bilingual Version

活在當下 中英文版 Carpe Diem Bilingual Version

定價 HK$270.00
定價 售價 HK$270.00
特價 售罄
活在當下 是Stefan Feld 設計的古羅馬板塊放置遊戲 你們是德高望重的羅馬貴族,現正施工改善你的市區。樹立有利可圖的建築物、建造美麗的地貌,由此令自己的轄區繁榮興盛。過程中記得遵守「活在當下」的座右銘,趁著時機正好,收割葡萄或捕魚,然後把它們賣到市場換成金幣。為你的市民建造適當的房子,能使他們更賣力工作,增加他們的生產力。但同時不要忘記發展自己的別墅,因為那會為你帶來許多名聲!


2-4 人|45-75 分鐘

carpdiem, quam minimum credula postero

In Carpe Diem, the players slip into the role of rich patricians in ancient Rome. Everyone is trying to build a lucrative city district to score as many prestige points as possible. The novel way to get to the individual buildings of a district combined with a large variety of score cards make for an unusual game with a large number of strategies. From the successful designer, Stefan Feld.

2-4 players|45-75 minutes

Contents: 1 game board, 220+ tiles, 150 cards, 44 wooden pieces, 1 manual

Carpe Diem is published byRavensburger. This Bilingual version is published by Broadway Toys.

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